« What happened to Natural Philosophy? » (C. Lüthy, 26 mai 2010)

18 Mai 2010

The Centre for History of Science at Ghent University invites you at the lecture ‘What happened to natural philosophy?’ by Christophe Lüthy (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen).

This lecture focuses on ‘Philosophy and the Natural Sciences in their Historical Relation’, one of the six research areas of the Centre (for more information on the Centre’s research areas, please have a look at our website http://www.sarton.ugent.be).

We look forward to welcome you on Wednesday 26 May at 15:00, room 2.19 (Blandijnberg 2, Ghent University).


‘Natural philosophy’ was, for centuries, and up to and including
Newton, another word for ‘physics’. From Aristotle to the eighteenth century, ‘natural philosophy’, ‘physics’ or ‘physiology’ designated the science that dealt with the world of moving objects. However, since the eighteenth century, it came to mean something else. What has happened to ‘natural philosophy’? And which type of historian is responsible for telling the story of this all-embracing discipline? The historian of philosophy or the historian of science?

« Knowledge as Indicativity and Perceptual Invariantism  » – 28 mai 2010

18 Mai 2010

Lecture at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science,
Ghent University

Speaker: Prof. Igal Kvart (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Title: Knowledge as Indicativity and Perceptual Invariantism

Date and Time: 28 May, 2010, 16.00h
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Blandijnberg 2, Room 2.19, B-9000, Ghent

In this talk the indicativity account of knowledge is applied to the problem of perceptual skepticism, and in particular to the retraction
phenomenon, which involves the reaction of the subject to a skeptical challenge, whereby the subject retracts her earlier assertion. A
cognitive explanation of the retraction phenomenon is offered, with no appeal to threshold volatility, thereby offering an alternative account
of perceptual skepticism and, more specifically, of the retraction phenomenon, to that of contextualism. Along the way a methodological
conception of conceptual analysis as a simulation model is presented, which is employed in the explanation of the retraction phenomenon.
Different notions of assertibility are presented, which are natural derivatives of the indicativity account of knowledge, and which are
useful for the analysis of perceptual skepticism and the retraction phenomenon. The more important among them reflects an internalist norm
of assertion. The contrast to the contextualist approach is presented primarily as involving the stability (as opposed to the volatility)
during the encounter with the skeptic of the threshold as well as of the truth conditions of knowledge ascriptions, as well as of various notions
of assertibility. The account presented here brings out the diversity of appropriate responses to the skeptical challenge in different sub-cases
of, e.g., the zebra/painted-mule case.

Conférence « L’art rhétorique et l’herméneutique juridique » à l’ULg

12 Mai 2010

La conférence « L’art rhétorique et l’herméneutique juridique » sera donnée par Fabio Caprio Leite De Castro, avocat et docteur en philosophie (ULg). Elle aura lieu à l’université de Liège, le vendredi 21 mai de 15h à 17h, Salle Philo I, Place du 20 août, 7, 4000 Liège.

L’argumentaire de la conférence peut être consulté à l’adresse suivante: http://www.philopol.ulg.ac.be/telecharger/documents%20agenda/20100521_conf_f_caprio.pdf

Table ronde phénoménologique autour de (et avec) Marc Richir – ULB, 20 mai 2010

12 Mai 2010

La prochaine activité de la Société Belge de Philosophie prendra la forme d’une « table-ronde phénoménologique » autour – et en présence – de Marc Richir, le jeudi 20 mai 2010 à l’ULB.

Cette séance, qui se tiendra à la salle A.Y.2.108 de l’ULB (avenue Roosevelt, 50), abordera quelques grands axes méthodologiques et thématiques de la phénoménologie à partir des questions de sept intervenants privilégiés. Une place sera cependant aussi réservée à la discussion avec l’ensemble du public présent.

Télécharger l’affichette en PDF: affichette richir

Colloque « Première, deuxième, troisième personne » à l’Université de Rouen

12 Mai 2010

Consacré au concept de « personne » en sciences humaines, ce colloque aura lieu les vendredi 14 et samedi 15 mai à l’université de Rouen.

Plus de détails dans le programme en PDF: programme 1,2,3 persones